Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Should sex and violence on television or in the movies be restricted?

The problem I see with restricting sex and violence in movies and television  is that it restricts everyone whether they want it or not. I think it's a parents job to make sure their kids aren't exposed to things that will harm them. I grew up in a household where we could always watch R rated movies from a very young age and when there was adult content my mother would explain what it was. She believed in not withholding information from her kids. Because of this upbringing I was lucky enough to be informed about the world and make wise decisions because of it. There were many kids who had not the first clue on things in our world and were more vulnerable because they weren't aware of the harm it can do. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Should children be required to attend school past the age of sixteen?

I absolutely believe that school should be required until you are a legal adult. The prospects for somebody without a high school diploma are grim at best. There are hardly well paying jobs out there for somebody without a Bachelors degree much less somebody without a High school diploma. The average High school dropout makes 10,000 dollars less a year than the average High school graduate. Also take into account the significant spike in crime rates with the uneducated people. We need to develop more assistance for needy families. Even with the cost of the assistance taken into account we would still come out ahead by billions of dollars. I think education is key to any Country, state, city or communities' success.