Wednesday, February 16, 2011

BP political cartoon

    The problem with apologies is that it doesn't reverse the damages. I think the oil industry should  treat the way they conduct business with as much caution as the medical industry does. When things are done haphazardly it is absolutely devastating to everybody and everything. I felt sick to my stomach every time I saw a picture of a defenseless animal covered in oil; just waiting to die. The whole situation could have been avoided had they bitten the bullet and shut down operation after their inspection results came back with questionable data. This political cartoon epitomizes the corporate philosophy that apologizing makes everything better.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Egypt political cartoon

         The amusing thing about this political cartoon is how well it sums up the stance that our country takes on issues involving other country's political regimes. We covered our asses by not taking a firm stance because of the slim chance that Mubarak would continue on as dictator. We didn't want to burn our bridge with Egypt even though it was obvious that he should step down. Now that they have their democracy we are of course the first to congratulate. Nevertheless, WAY TO GO EGYPT! The social media revolution is upon us!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Do "beauty" contests serve any purpose in society?

First of all, how disturbing is this picture? I think children's beauty pageants have to be the most disturbing thing in the world. I don't think that beauty pageants serve any purpose in society, but are harmless, glitzy fun for people who are into that kind of thing. Children's beauty pageants on the other hand should be illegal. The only people who go to see them are pedophiles and psychotic, obsessive moms who are verging on child abuse. A child should have an environment that is free of sexual objectification and 6 hour salon visits. To take a young impressionable girl in a bikini and teach her how to strut like sexpot is wrong, just plain old wrong.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Should laws regarding minimum wage be revised?

      In the book Fast Food Nation the author discovered while researching McDonald's for his research, that if McDonald's raised the price of their cheeseburgers by ten cents that they could pay their workers a whole dollar more an hour. I think that concept would most likely hold true across the board. Minimum wage is hardly livable. People who make minimum wage don't get vacations, they can't afford to send their kids to college, they don't have a good standard of living at all. The minimum wage has been raised in small increments over the years, but the amount that is is raised always lags behind the amount that would actually remedy the problem. So yes, I do believe that minimum wage laws should be revised!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

McDonalds Political cartoon

   The things that pass as food these days! The general enlarging of today's population is due to fast food and processed foods that we have become so accustomed to eating now. Whoever heard of eating fresh fruits and vegetables when you can have fried food and grease-dripping delicacies like the Big Mac? I think eating habits are difficult to change, but once you start eating healthy it's hard to go back to fast food. Healthy food gives you more energy, vibrancy and resilience. Sooner or later that fast food catches up with you in a BIG way, no pun intended. This political cartoon is funny to me because it also represents the cheapening of culture via fast food. This is a historic piece of art reduced to a slob, comparable to the art of cooking nutrient-rich, delicious and flavorful food reduced to cow feed for the masses.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sarah Palin political cartoon

I think this cartoon is hilarious because it epitomizes Sarah Palin's seemingly innocent, sweet chocolate coating with a vicious bitch nougat center. Notorious for ignorance and white favoritism, she is what represents the outdated and blind sect of America. I find it amusing when people worry about her becoming president someday because as loud and annoying as her following is, they are way outnumbered by sane people in this country still.  In the end I think it will all end up being a ploy for attention, why else would you have a reality show if you really valued your political status?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Catholic Church Political Cartoon

The Catholic church has long been known for it's traditional values. The only problem is that values and traditions transition with a changing population. Things cannot and will not be the same forever, people evolve, people change their outlooks based on life experiences. We learn, we grow! This is a good thing! The catholic church system seems to be in the dark ages about SO many things. Women's rights....Phooey, Birth way! Let's all see how over populated we can make this earth. Let's shame and guilt people for their own human nature! We all need to have a uniform mindset and if you deviate from that it's hell, hell, hell for you! I suppose the wording of this was strong, but it's a political cartoon... it's not a children's book.