Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Catholic Church Political Cartoon

The Catholic church has long been known for it's traditional values. The only problem is that values and traditions transition with a changing population. Things cannot and will not be the same forever, people evolve, people change their outlooks based on life experiences. We learn, we grow! This is a good thing! The catholic church system seems to be in the dark ages about SO many things. Women's rights....Phooey, Birth control.....no way! Let's all see how over populated we can make this earth. Let's shame and guilt people for their own human nature! We all need to have a uniform mindset and if you deviate from that it's hell, hell, hell for you! I suppose the wording of this was strong, but it's a political cartoon... it's not a children's book.

1 comment:

  1. Do you mind telling me where you found this cartoon? I would like to use it in my project. Thanks.
