Sunday, January 23, 2011

The impact of automation on American culture and lifestyles

The use of automation in the wave of the future, there is no denying it or fighting it. For every development there are downfalls of course, the increasing laziness and narcissism is a major downfall of our increased availability of technology. For example, nobody cares that you had a ham sandwich for lunch and there is no need to tweet, blog or post that on facebook! The benefit however out outnumbers the downfalls in my opinion. The further we develop automation the more likely that manual labor and grunt work will become obsolete, giving people a chance to put their efforts towards innovation and development of better, cleaner, more environmentally friendly products. Giving everyone the ability to put their brains to use and not have to scrape by on remedial, degrading tasks for a living, leaving the manual labor to automation.

1 comment:

  1. Technology is unstoppable. There is far too much interest in its power, and what it is capable of. Everyday there is a new invention created, one that will make some house hold task easier or more efficient, and a lot of people are biting the hook. As our lives become more and more driven by how much we can get done in one day, the closer we will navigate to technology, because lets face it, we want things to be easier for us. Why do you think we have microwavable dinner's? People are more interested in the convenience of things. I will challenge your comment about manual labor becoming obsolete. I agree it will become obsolete, because a computer could be trained to be more accurate and precise than we could in fulling specific duties. However, my question is, where will all those manual laborers, or grunt workers that you speak of, be employed? If our goal is to get people jobs and keep people employed, than I am going to have to say that automation is going to conflict that process.
