Friday, January 28, 2011

Should law or custom regarding American funeral practices be revised?

  The issue with this countries' funeral practices involve issues with available land and attitude. I feel that the practice of getting buried is a waste of space and irrelevant to honoring the memory of a loved one. I like the idea of scattering ashes in a meaningful location of your loved one's choice. With a soaring population, the amount of space and resources we have available to conduct our funerals in this manner will eventually make it a harder choice for people who want a traditional burial. 
  The other issue with the way we honor our departed is with our attitude about death. There are cultures that celebrate the life of their loved ones more than lament the tragedy of the loss. I wish that the norm for funerals in this country would involve singing, dancing, sharing memories and bonding instead of the cold silence of a formal American funeral. Whatever the tradition is though, I just have endless pity for all who have had a loss in their lives, which makes it hard to judge what tradition they follow in order to feel closure.

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