Friday, January 21, 2011

Should newspaper reporters have to reveal their sources?

  I do not believe that journalists are in the position to reveal all of their sources. Part of getting sources requires getting information from an "inside" person revealing things which they would get fired for revealing. That is the job of the journalist to do the research to either back that information up, or debunk that information. Unfortunately in our world there is not as much transparency in our media as there should be and you can never trust what you read due to government interference and facts being manipulated for political reasons. This invisible fence that lies between fact and manipulation is not going to disappear anytime soon. I tend to find multiple sources on anything I read to get a more well-rounded view on the issue. The problem lays with the news sources that prey on people who get brainwashed by everything the media tell them to think *Fox news* cough cough, although there are equally slanted liberal counterparts to that.


  1. Have you ever read the White House Press Briefings?

    It's pretty depressing. Whether the media appears to present themselves as "critical" or "supportive," the White House tells them what the day's stories are. Read the briefings on a daily basis. As soon as they wind in a new topic, you can watch that topic blossom across all the standard news sources. That would be fine, except that their topics flood everything, and we lose sight of topics we should be covering.

  2. I stopped watching TV or reading newspapers some time ago and it has made me a happier better person. I don’t care who did what to whom or who is back in rehab. I get my new from the Onion and they make up their sources.


  3. It's pretty sad how much people get brainwashed by the media and the strings that are pulled in society.
