Sunday, January 30, 2011

Where and how, if at all, should sex education be conducted?


   Sexual education is absolutely crucial. I think it should be taught at school and at home. If it's not taught at home at the very least taught in school starting in the pre-teenage years. There are people who think that teaching kids how to have safe sex will encourage them to partake in it. I absolutely disagree with that thought process. We're humans with human urges and if we're interested in sex we're going to find a way to make it happen. Sexual education class in my high school was quite the opposite of alluring. The teacher taught us about all of the risks involved in sex including sexually transmitted diseases and infections and even pregnancy. The bottom line though is that I was educated about how to be safe when and if I decided to have sex. I myself have never been pregnant because I have always exercised safe practices. The kids of the people who are against sexual education in my high school were the ones who were more likely to turn up pregnant at age sixteen and even fifteen in some cases. Statistics show that sexual education reduces the chance of accidental pregnancy . The proof is in the pudding!

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